Our Materials and Cost Calculator lets you quickly and easily calculate the amount of materials needed as well as labor costs for your project.
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• 12 linear feet (LF) of sheathing joints treated per board
• Additional LF covered according to corner and transition entries
• 2" minimum application at flush board seams
• 4" minimum application at inside/outside corners and out of plane board seams
• Prosoco R-Guard® FastFlash® to be applied at a minimum thickness of 16 wet mils for the DensElement® Barrier System
• Assumes 49 fasteners per 4' x 8' board, 22 spot treated in the field of each board.
This material estimator is to be used for general guidance only. Application rates vary and will impact actual material usage and installation time. GP Gypsum does not warrant the accuracy or thoroughness of the results. Test mock ups should be performed to verify material coverage rates and application productivity. Details calculations should be performed by the project estimator. All rates, costs, etc are at the discretion of purchaser and contractor.